Sunday, March 4, 2012

Team Fortress 2 Photoshoot

I've been working as a designer full time lately, so I haven't been able to expand on my props much. These are some photos that cross over between my FAN, level 1 sentry, and scout costume. I went back and added them into their respective postings, but feel like a new post would give them the light they deserve. (thanks to my awesome photographer, of course) A lot is "old" and some is new.

I've been at starbucks for hours editing photos for my portfolio as well as my photographers. (I went back and added some final  M29 photos, and M96 photos. you should check the out!)

Anyways, In case you didn't know, This cosplay is based off of the TF2 scout. And yes, the headpiece is scratch built as well. (MDF, of course.)

here he is in his original glory :     (followed by me being a geek)

Some of these are available on my deviant art in hi-res for desktop photos

And another big thanks to Emilio Arias for the pictures.